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Bletsoe Village Hall
COVID 19 Risk Prevention Measures

The 12 steps listed below follow the most up to date advice provided to us for users of the ng the hall to help combat the spread of COVID-19.


Please ensure you make ALL ATTENDEES aware of the following 12 Covid Prevention Steps

PRIOR to entering the Hall

  1. YOU MUST NOT ENTER if, in the last 10 days, you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 or COVID- 19 symptoms, has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient, been told to self-isolate by NHS Track and Trace and/or visited a ‘red’ country (or ‘amber’ country if you’re not yet fully vaccinated) even if you have no symptoms. This remains the law regardless of vaccination status.

  2. We strongly recommend that you scan the NHS Track and Trace QR code on arrival. If you are unable to do so you should provide your name and contact number to the event organiser. Any personal data will only be used for the purposes of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and alerting the individual to any cases to which they might have been exposed. The organiser will retain the information for 21 days only.

  3. Please use the hand sanitiser on entering. Clean your hands often and for 20 seconds. Soap and paper towels are provided. Avoid touching your face, nose or eyes. Clean your hands if you do.

  4. Respect and be considerate of those who are more vulnerable, those wishing to take a more cautious approach or those not yet fully vaccinated by maintaining a safe distance. Even if you have been fully vaccinated, you could still get COVID-19, or be a carrier, and spread it to others.

  5. Bletsoe Village Hall suggests that you wear a face covering when you are on the move, when you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet or whilst in confined areas, such as the toilets or kitchen.

  6. Please take turns to use confined spaces such as the toilets. Avoid using the toilets where possible and use at own risk. Only one person is allowed in the toilets at one time.

  7. Follow instructions of the event organiser. Including a one-way system, if adopted, following the signs. In case of an emergency, instructions given should be followed in a responsible manner.

  8. Keep rooms well ventilated so all doors and windows must be open. Please close doors and windows on leaving.

  9. “Catch it, bin it, kill it”. Tissues should be safely disposed of in one of the rubbish bins provided then wash your hands thoroughly.

  10. Avoid touching multiple surfaces. We have adopted a thorough cleaning programme. Hirers must clean high-contact points with the available cleaning materials on leaving.

  11. An emergency kit is available in the kitchen. With full instructions.

  12. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms within 10 days of visiting these premises self-isolate immediately and get a PCR test, even with mild symptoms. Alert NHS Track and Trace AND the organiser of the activity you attended if your test is positive.

  13. Continue to test twice a week and attend your vaccination appointment helping to ensure you don’t spread COVID-19 and helping to keep you from getting seriously ill if you do get COVID-19.


These steps will help us protect our friends, families, and communities, including those fully vaccinated.


Action now will reduce any further resurgence of COVID-19 in the coming months.

Thank you for your co-operation

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